Sonicphish Productions is flexible on rates, especially for longer bookings. Our goal is for every project to be worthy of a Grammy Award. All rates include an engineer.

Different than editing, mixing or mastering, tracking music is the process of recording it. It is the start of everything else and is best served with a Mix Factory experienced engineer and seasoned Producer Ken Mary A.K.A. "SonicPhish" to help capture your ultimate performance.
$65 per hour (Engineer incl.)
Mixing is the process blending all recorded tracks of music into a single presentation which best represents the song, the artist and the types of instruments used. Mixing engineer Ken Mary personally provides this comprehensive, highly-involved service to your projects perfection.
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Music production is the art of bringing the best out of people, instruments, melody and lyric. How qualified is Ken Mary to handle your vision? Ken Mary has enjoyed great success and gained invaluable experience and relationships through his career as a world-renown producer, engineer, drummer, singer/songwriter, arranger, performer and friend.
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Mastering with The Mix Factory is a final sheen of audio frequency adjustments that can make or break your recorded song's first impression. This important process engineered and supervised by industry expert Ken Mary ensures your recording reaches the max volume and critical
requirements for radio, television
and film broadcast.
$150 per song